On the wall of our branch Church of Christ, Scientist, is inscribed...

On the wall of our branch Church of Christ, Scientist, is inscribed the following statement of Christ Jesus': "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). This beautiful teaching has literally changed my life. Since I became a student of Christian Science seven years ago, the truth has indeed freed me from the burden of many material beliefs.

I grew up in an atmosphere in which there seemed to be a preoccupation with sickness. As a result, even as a grown man, I was often overcome with fear when I experienced the slightest pain in my body. Even when told by the doctors whom I frequently visited that there was no cause for alarm in most cases, my fears continued unabated. Through the study of Christian Science, however, I have learned of man's God-given dominion, and now, when fear of anything lifts its ugly head, I have an answer in the Master's words: "Get thee hence, Satan" (Matt. 4:10). This new sense of freedom grows each day, and it can only be described as exhilarating. It is like a great burden being lifted from me.

I became interested in Christian Science as a result of witnessing the perfect healing of my son's broken arm through prayer, a healing which was verified by a doctor with X rays. A testimony of this healing was printed in the Sentinel over my wife's name.

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March 17, 1973

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