Gratitude Acceptable to God

"Give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever," Ps. 106:1; says the Bible. And human beings who recognize how much they owe to God for His goodness to the universe and to them individually usually do make a point of frequently expressing their gratitude to Him. They sometimes even thank Him before they have received something that they are convinced through faith He is going to give them.

From early Bible times it was recognized by the spiritually minded that gratitude to God should be more than a religious gesture, a formal expression of praise, or a courteous acknowledgment of divine favors received. The Psalmist poses a question and then answers it: "What shall I render unto the Lord for allhis benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the presence of all his people." 116: 12-14;

Christian Science shows that the best way to thank God, divine Love, is to imbibe the inspiration of His love and make the effort to live in accord with His law, daily acknowledging and proving His all-power and all-presence. We prove that we truly understand and appreciate His goodness to us when we constantly commune with God in deep spiritual prayer—not merely in words but through honest, wholehearted faith in His love. This prayer is more than a theoretical statement. Its reliance upon the sustaining power of divine Life makes it practical. Through our surrender of human will in the acknowledgment of the supremacy of the divine Mind, and the utilization of Truth in our daily lives, good is increasingly manifested.

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November 17, 1973

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