through identifying oneself with Truth

How often we find ourselves face-to-face with some troubling challenge that seems too big to solve! We think we haven't the ability or the experience to master it. We feel inadequate. What can we do?

We can examine our thinking and ask, How am I identifying myself? Spiritually, with Truth? Or materially, with error? Who do I think I am?

What does it mean to identify? One dictionary defines it as ascertaining one's "origin, nature, or definitive characteristics." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language; It means to discover where one comes from, and what one is like. If we consider ourselves as originating from a material source, this is identifying with error. Identifying ourselves as originating solely from Spirit is identifying with Truth. When we see ourselves and others as material, as restricted because of birth, education, experience, gender, or as held back because of racial or hereditary characteristics, we are identifying falsely, and suffer from the limitations and difficulties inherent in a false status.

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A Yoke to Lighten Our Burdens
October 6, 1973

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