The Bellamina

The Bellamina is a twenty-eight foot sloop that sailed us on a two-week trip from St. Petersburg, Florida, to the Dry Tortugas, to Key West, to Sanibel Island, and back to St. Petersburg. It was a trip the four of us will remember for a long time because of the beauty, the fun and laughs, and, most of all, some ideas we found out about life, nature, and relationships.

The first lesson for me came the day we left St. Petersburg. As soon as we left the harbor, I was seasick. All I wanted to do was lie down and sleep, and that's all I did do. I felt dominated by the sea, the boat, and the sun. It was a weak, almost helpless feeling.

I knew from the teachings of Christian Science that the condition was basically a mental one, but it seemed very much physical; I seemed so aware of a physical body subject to the elements of nature. I tried all day to lift my thought to the harmonious, spiritual reality of being, but the illusion of material heaviness prevailed.

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Don't Get in the Way
August 5, 1972

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