I came to this country as a young immigrant

I came to this country as a young immigrant. America was the promised land of riches and opportunities for everyone. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I was to find Christian Science, the "pearl of great price" (Matt. 13:46).

I was brought up in a religious home. My father served as a lay preacher in an orthodox church. I am very grateful for the early religious training I received, but I yearned to know more of who and what God really is.

A few years after my arrival in this country the answer came to me. I had been severely injured in an accident. My first contact with Christian Science was one of great kindness. One day while confined in a hospital, I received, through a mutual friend, an invitation from some people I did not know to come and stay in their lovely home as soon as I was able to be moved. As I was about six thousand miles from my own home, with no money and no place to go, I gratefully accepted.

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July 15, 1972

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