Remembering Only Good

Remembering good requires more than a retentive mind. It takes the understanding that God, good, is All, not only now but always.

The English essayist William Hazlitt writes of seeing a sundial near Venice with the motto, "Horas non numero nisi serenas" On Living to Oneself; (I count only the sunny hours). What a boon if each person gave credence only to the good in human experience! How much better for all if only useful and worthwhile experiences were given predominance in thought.

This doesn't mean shallow cheerfulness that ignores evil. Evil needs to be seen for what it is—unreality, untruth, powerlessness. We need a deep understanding that God is good and is All. It calls for maintaining, even in the darkest hours, the truth that good governs. This is not dreaming. It is praying as Christ Jesus did. Such a scientific attitude records only good because that is all there really is. Faithfully done, such prayer helps to eliminate trouble of every sort, past and present.

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December 23, 1972

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