Mental Alertness

With the news media emphasizing the increase in crime, conscientious citizens are understandably apprehensive. Of special concern to individuals is the challenge to safety. In an effort to protect their personal property, they install locks and burglar alarms and even post watchdogs on their premises. These human steps are often necessary, yet there is an important area of daily life in which there is an even greater need for protection.

How alert are we to the vital need to protect our mental home from unwelcome intruders? We would never knowingly stand by while a thief removed our earthly possessions. Why should we allow ungodlike thoughts to steal our joy, peace, and dominion? Mrs. Eddy says, "We should become more familiar with good than with evil, and guard against false beliefs as watchfully as we bar our doors against the approach of thieves and murderers." Science and Health, p. 234; Also the Way-shower, Christ Jesus, admonished his disciples: "What I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." Mark 13:37;

Through the study and application of Christian Science one may learn how to watch. This Science offers a scientific, infallible means of protection from all evil beliefs, regardless of their method of approach or their particular disguise. One may acquire that spiritual sense of all-pervading good that has its source in God, divine Love. It is this sense of omnipresent good that fortifies one against every attack of evil or animal magnetism. In whatever way false suggestions may try to gain entrance into one's consciousness, they are lies about man, God's perfect reflection, and no more real than the sleeping dream. One never has to receive into his mental home even one thought that does not emanate from divine Mind, God.

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A Helmet for Johnny
May 2, 1970

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