Helping the Retarded Child

The so-called retarded child is not a hopeless case. Christian Science shows that no limitation is irreversible. Limits may appear formidable to ignorant human belief, but with God's help they can be set aside and a child's real potential as the image of divine Mind be brought to light.

Surely it is obvious that the God, whom Christ Jesus called Father, and whom he proved to be divine Love, has never created a situation that consigns innocent children to a lifetime of mental twilight. Christian Science teaches that God Himself is the Mind of His children and nothing can separate the individuality of each child from this infinite source of wisdom and intelligence. Speaking of little children, Jesus said, "Their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven."Matt. 18:10; And part of Mrs. Eddy's definition of "angels" is "spiritual intuitions, pure and perfect."Science and Health, p. 581;

Those parents or teachers who are guiding the seemingly backward child are constantly challenged to guard their thoughts and attitudes. Schoolteachers find that a child tends to react positively when high performance is expected of him. This hints at the deeper spiritual fact that each individual responds to being seen in his true being as the perfect reflection of all-knowing Mind. Retardation is just an invention of human belief, and we must look right through this false picture and patiently and persistently see the child of God untouched by limitation.

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April 18, 1970

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