Overcoming Superstitions

Scientific research has a continuing battle with superstition. The unfolding of advanced concepts challenges long-held beliefs of mortals, and conflict ensues until there is a yielding of thought to progressive development. It has been so throughout history, and it will undoubtedly continue until the last error of thought has been overcome. Even today there are people who think it is sacrilegious to explore the moon, because it has been a religious symbol to them, a superstition, something held above mortal exploration.

Not too long ago the Russian cosmonauts derisively proclaimed that they did not see God in the heavens when they were there, even though it was their application of intelligence that enabled them to get there. But anything that helps uncover a false and superstitious belief can lead on to firmer concepts of God, man, and the universe. Additional exploration will inevitably do away with many blind beliefs and lead to a recognition of the order and design of the cosmos—some inkling of the intelligence that controls the universe and man. When it is recognized that this intelligence is divine, a spiritual force, then the concept of God as infinite Spirit, or Mind, will be more readily accepted.

A recent article in the Saturday Review pointed out that in biological exploration the researchers could not finally account for the intelligent design that appeared in the genetic code or in many forms of "organized" matter which expressed life. Dr. Paul A. Weiss honestly asks the question, "How do we get from a bag of protein to the organized shape and functions of a living cell, let alone to the integrated viable masterpiece of a human organism?"  Saturday Review, November 29, 1969; Christian Science teaches that as long as we believe that intelligence and life are in and of matter we will never be able to explain this so-called mystery or "secret of life."

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March 21, 1970

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