My joy and appreciation for the Cause of Christian Science and...

My joy and appreciation for the Cause of Christian Science and for a healing my son had over eight years ago know no limits.

Because we were adopting him, we were required by State law to take him to a pediatrician each month for a checkup. We had noticed that his left ankle seemed twisted, but we had thought it would straighten out. At his third monthly checkup the attending doctor told me that the next time I brought the baby to him they would put him in a cast from the hip down, as they felt the deformity was in the hip. I was a new student of Christian Science, and this news was very disheartening to me. On the way home I stopped for a visit at the home of a Christian Scientist. When I told her what the doctor had said, she told me she would never accept that opinion at all, and she was sure God could heal any problem.

I called a Christian Science practitioner, and for the next three weeks Christian Science treatment was prayerfully given. The ankle did not straighten out, and I became discouraged. One day, however, during the study of that week's Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly, these words from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy stood out (p. 63): "In Science man is the offspring of Spirit. The beautiful, good, and pure constitute his ancestry. His origin is not, like that of mortals, in brute instinct, nor does he pass through material conditions prior to reaching intelligence. Spirit is his primitive and ultimate source of being; God is his Father, and Life is the law of his being."

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April 26, 1969

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