You Too Can Heal the Sick!

Every student of Christian Science has the God-given ability to heal the sick. You should clearly realize and vigorously claim this reflected puissance and never allow fear of inability to darken your thought and shake your confidence. You can take courage from Mrs. Eddy's reassuring words in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "God will heal the sick through man, whenever man is governed by God." Science and Health, p. 495;

How, then, does one become God-governed so that he may be an effective healer? Obviously the first step is to become aware of God's true nature and recognize His unchanging perfection, love, power, and presence.

Next, one must surrender a personal, material sense of himself and understand something of his spiritual identity as the reflected image of God, perfect divine Mind. Then he must bend every effort to conform his thoughts and acts to the divine standard of perfection. When Christ Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect," Matt. 5:48; he was stating the law of reflection which, when obeyed, arms men with the healing power of God.

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February 3, 1968

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