The Search for Happiness

No matter how drastically modern technology improves human conditions, no matter what the gain in standards of living, in increased leisure, in opportunities for enlightenment, travel, entertainment, each of us must still find the answer to the questions: How can I be happy? How can I find my way out of the difficulties of my life? There is a persistent yearning for a better state of affairs, an instinctive feeling that frustration and defeat are not the predestined end of man, a longing to wipe the slate clean and make a fresh start.

Often a human being seeks for the answer by looking to another to supply what he needs; and just as often lie finds disillusionment, failure, and unhappiness. At times one catches oneself thinking: "If only I had better health, better looks, more free time, more money; if only I were younger; if only I had a better background" —as though, if these requirements could be supplied, life would begin again at a higher level. We can rarely make a fresh start except from the precise point where we are; and what we need in order to do it is not a miracle but a changed point of view.

To those desperately seeking the way out of the morass of human thinking Christian Science presents this new view. Mrs. Eddy well understood the struggles and agonies of the human mind. She writes: "The sharp experiences of belief in the supposititious life of matter, as well as our disappointments and ceaseless woes, turn us like tired children to the arms of divine Love. Then we begin to learn Life in divine Science." Science and Health, p. 322: Throughout her works she explains the Science of being and reveals the divine Principle that activated the words and works of Christ Jesus.

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February 3, 1968

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