Wayne Lets His Light Shine

[Of special interest to juniors]

One summer Wayne spent two weeks at camp, and he found many ways in which to live the teachings of Christian Science. The woman who owned the camp was also a Christian Scientist, and because she always expressed so much love and kindness, the children called her Mother Robbins. When she welcomed Wayne to the camp, she invited him to come to her should he have any problems.

There were many different things to do at camp. The children could sow the seeds for vegetables and flowers and take care of their own gardens. And they could make things from leather, polish rocks, swim, and ride horses. Wayne loved taking part in all these activities. And although he was a long way from his home and friends, he had many opportunities to let his light shine as he remembered to obey the Golden Rule, "As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them." Luke 6:31;

One day as the camp's nurse was inspecting the children, she noticed an eye condition, claimed to be contagious, in Wayne and several of the other children. She told them they must have their eyes treated medically, for they would not be allowed to swim in the pool until the condition was cleared up.

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What Is Unreal Can Be Changed
August 27, 1966

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