Since I was greatly helped by a testimony in a Sentinel, it is with...

Since I was greatly helped by a testimony in a Sentinel, it is with gratitude to God and Christian Science that I am happy to tell here of a wonderful healing of a growth diagnosed by the medical profession as cancer of the throat.

I had an operation for the removal of the growth, but some time afterward it began to be evident again. After I had undergone treatment for seven months, no hope was held for recovery; but it was suggested that the treatment be continued. During the operation the thyroid gland had been removed, and I was told it would be necessary for me to take thyroid tablets for the rest of my life.

I had known a little about Christian Science a number of years previous to this experience, and at this point I thought that it might be able to help me. I got in touch with a practitioner and asked for treatment. At this time I was taking thyroid tablets, and it was wisely explained to me that Christian Science treatment should not be given while the patient is still relying on medical aid.

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August 27, 1966

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