Signs of the Times

"News in Review" American Bible Society Record

From "News in Review" American Bible Society Record New York, New York

Among the displaced persons in Saigon—Taoists, Buddhists, and the few Christians—all are clamoring for the Scriptures, reports the Rev. Edward A. Cline. Secretary for the Bible Societies. These people have been forced by bombings in the rural areas to seek safety in the already crowded towns and cities where they must either find makeshift lodging, live in over-crowded homes or go to refugee camps. Then, with all sense of security shattered by loss of home, family and familiar surroundings, they earnestly seek to know God better and to feel the comfort of His love. The Bible Societies' printing presses are operating at capacity....

In lour days a (christian literature group from the island of Java. Indonesia, sold 100 Bibles, 30 New Testaments and 400 copies of the Gospel of John on the island of Madura, all in the Madurese language. The distribution was noteworthy because Madura is predominantly Muslim. The team went into the marketplaces reading the Scriptures to groups of Muslims who easily understood the story in their own tongue....

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Church Dedications
August 27, 1966

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