During the course of a tennis match, I made an extra effort to...

During the course of a tennis match, I made an extra effort to retrieve a ball and in doing so pulled a muscle in my side. I was unable to continue the game. A few days later I again experienced similar discomfort while emerging from a cramped position in a small car. I thought I should telephone a Christian Science practitioner for help, but the advice of a friend came into my thought. He had said, "Don't walk by a Christian Science Reading Room; if it is open, go in and be healed."

I hobbled two blocks to a Reading Room and seated myself with a copy of The Christian Science Journal and a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy at hand. I read some testimonies, two of which were very helpful. These two healings of the effects of accidents were reported by the mothers of two young men. In these instances both the parents and their sons declared the truths of Christian Science. They knew that accidents are impossible under God's government. Despite what the material senses had to report, they affirmed, as did the Shunammite woman when questioned by Gehazi (II Kings 4:26), "It is well."

A very helpful statement from Science and Health also came to my attention. It reads (p. 46), "A spiritual idea has not a single element of error, and this truth removes properly whatever is offensive." I recognized that the pain in my side was certainly an offense to a beloved child of God and was nothing more than an illegitimate claim of mortal mind.

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Testimony of Healing
I should like to tell how much Christian Science has helped me
August 20, 1966

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