Words of Current Interest

The words in this issue are related to the Lesson-Sermon in the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE QUARTERLY designated to be read in Christian Science churches on August 21, 1966.

A man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed (Eccl. 8:1)

The Hebrew word rendered "boldness" does not suggest "boldness" in the sense of "bravery" or "courage" but rather in that of "rough, bold outlines"; suggesting roughness or even coarseness. Hence Barton renders the verse as follows: "The wisdom of man illumines his face, and the coarseness of his countenance is changed", adding the observation that "such is the transforming power of character. Similarly. Moffatt renders, "Man's wisdom lights his face up, it transfigures even a rough countenance"; and Kent has, "A man's wisdom makes his face shine, and the hardness of his face is changed."

Beelzebub (Mark 3:22)

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Signs of the Times
August 13, 1966

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