"A thing of thought"

We hear a great deal about the effort being made through medical and biological research to determine the causes of disease. This is a merciful effort and deserves the respect of mankind. But the Christian Scientist knows that such research must eventually turn in the direction of mental causes, simply because all physical inharmonies are the effect of thought, as Christian Science has thoroughly proved.

Christ Jesus, who was the greatest healer of disease the world has ever known, showed again and again that only the mental state of a patient needs to be changed. His advice to those he healed ranged from pointing out their need to believe or to have faith in Christ to sharply admonishing them to cease sinning. And Jesus did not confine healing to his own capability; he said, "He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also." John 14:12; What is more, he taught his followers to heal.

Mary Baker Eddy was a true follower of Jesus. She recognized that healing the sick and sinful is a Christian duty. And she understood perfectly that spiritual healing probes and corrects the mental state that causes disease, thus freeing the patient from his self-imposed condition. Among other things she says, "Disease is a thing of thought manifested on the body; and fear is the procurator of the thought which causes sickness and suffering." Rudimental Divine Science, p. 10;

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Learning from Calamity
May 7, 1966

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