God Speaks to Us Today

It is startling to hear someone say that God is dead. The more so when a group of reputable theologians say it. The argument for the "death-of-God" thesis is that God no longer speaks to us.

As long as theologians regard matter as real and look to material evidence for proof of what they believe, there will be more and more defections from the ranks of those who profess to believe in God. As people come to depend more upon material theories and technology, they find less room in their thought for spiritual things. But when they begin to understand that matter is unreal, as Christian Science teaches and demonstrates, they will find that an understanding of God helps men to gain control over what appear to be material substances and things.

As we come to understand that the world we live in is not material, but mental, we see that matter is the objectification of material beliefs. In Christian Science we call the source of these beliefs mortal mind. This mind is the opposite of divine Mind, Spirit, and its beliefs are contrary to spiritual ideas. For example, the belief that man is evolved from material forces is contrary to the idea of man as the son of Spirit. The belief that man's health is subject to laws of biology or laws of chemistry is contrary to the idea that man reflects the qualities of infinite Spirit, one of which is health. And the belief that man is limited by material laws is contrary to the spiritual idea of man as the limitless image of timeless Life, God.

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Testimony of Healing
The first sentence in the textbook...
February 26, 1966

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