In the Scriptures we read, "Seek,...

In the Scriptures we read, "Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" (Matt. 7:7). When a young child, I loved to read the Bible, and I attended Sunday School and church regularly because I was seeking a clearer understanding of God.

The explanations given me, however, were vague. God was represented as being in a far-off place, sending punishments upon His people. At times the words quoted above would come to my thought, and I would ask my dear mother where and what God was. She answered as best she could, but still I was not satisfied.

When I grew into womanhood, I married and had a very happy family, but I became seriously ill. The finest physicians were on the case, but I grew worse. A member of my family told me about Christian Science and said it would heal me through prayer. I continued in the same way a little longer, and then one Sunday I went to a Christian Science church service. A wonderful sense of peace and encouragement filled my thought.

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The Bible Speaks to You
RADIO PROGRAM No. 202 - What Am I Really Listening To?
February 19, 1966

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