It is with the deepest gratitude...

It is with the deepest gratitude for Christian Science that I write this testimony.

During depression days, a Christian Scientist moved into our neighborhood. At that time I was beset by many problems. My husband was out of town, and I was under a doctor's care for an infection in one of my feet which kept me from performing my household duties. This new neighbor saw my need and asked me if I would like to visit a Christian Science practitioner. I was willing to try anything, and so my new friend took me to a practitioner's office.

I began talking about my difficulties, but the practitioner asked me to refrain from talking like that, saying we would be talking about God. She gave me a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy and asked me to read certain citations. She asked me not to use any more medication on my foot but to rely instead on God for my healing. I went home and was obedient to her requests.

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Testimony of Healing
My Air Force assignment is...
February 5, 1966

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