Christian Science has been my constant companion and my only...

Christian Science has been my constant companion and my only mode of healing during most of my life. I should like to relate a healing which took some time but which has been of immeasurable value in instruction and purification of thought. I was stricken with a severe and painful condition which gave me no rest day or night and affected most of my body. It was not diagnosed; Mrs. Eddy tells us on page 370 of Science and Health, "A physical diagnosis of disease—since mortal mind must be the cause of disease—tends to induce disease." She also tells us on page 411 of the same book that "disease is always induced by a false sense mentally entertained, not destroyed."

I put every possible effort into purifying thought; and many quite unsuspected errors were cast out. I was wonderfully upheld and supported by a dear friend and practitioner, to such an extent that I was able, though with considerable difficulty and pain, to continue my service as First Reader in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist. The weekly Bible Lesson in the Quarterly was a precious friend, and sometimes I would go through it four times in one night.

The mental and spiritual unfoldment was wonderful; but the physical condition improved only gradually. After many months a certain circumstance brought to my attention an individual who we thought had passed on. We found out this was not so. More than thirty years ago this individual had very seriously influenced adversely the lives of myself and a loved one. No resentment was consciously felt, but the injury was not forgotten, only pushed into the background.

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