It is with much gratitude that I acknowledge God's power to...

It is with much gratitude that I acknowledge God's power to meet all human needs. On numerous occasions I have experienced protection from accidents by turning to God in prayer as we are taught to do in Christian Science.

My earliest experience occurred when I was about ten years old and riding horseback. I was alone when the horse began to run away with me and headed along a row of utility poles which were supported by cables running diagonally to the ground. Unable to control the horse and recognizing with great fear the likelihood of being brushed off by a cable at high speed, I knew in my helplessness that the only course was to turn to God. While I was recalling that God is Love and for this reason could not allow an accident to occur, the horse slowed to a walk and was completely manageable from then on.

During my college years I drifted away from Science, and although I was a conscientious student I had only an average scholastic record. When I entered law school, which was far more difficult and demanding than my undergraduate courses, I made a sincere effort to apply the truths of Christian Science to the challenge with which I was faced. In preparing for examinations, I tried to put human will aside and to rely entirely upon Mind for guidance. I began by knowing that man's only purpose is to express Mind, the source of all intelligence, that Mind, being Love, has an infinitely good plan for each one of us, and that Mind supplies all the intelligence and ability one needs to carry out God's plan.

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Testimony of Healing
In the Bible we read (John 8:32), "Ye shall know the truth...
November 12, 1966

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