All the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, including the Christian Science...

All the writings of Mary Baker Eddy, including the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," were mine to read or to own, the Sunday and Wednesday services were open to me, and I was welcome to study in any Christian Science Reading Room, but not being a member of a Church of Christ, Scientist, I could not serve in the church. In gratitude for my present privilege of serving in a branch church and being a member of The Mother Church, I am writing this testimony.

At one point in my experience I realized that everything around me seemed wrong. My home seemed discordant, my employment didn't seem right, and supply seemed very limited. Taking an inventory in this manner caused me to realize that there might be something I was leaving undone.

I had been studying Christian Science for some years and at one time had been active in a Christian Science Society. However, after moving to a larger city I had not joined a branch church. I hadn't felt that I was a very good prospect for church membership because of all the troubles I had. Finally I decided to do my part and apply for membership. It would be up to the membership committee to decide in behalf of the church.

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November 12, 1966

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