Over thirty years ago I was...

Over thirty years ago I was healed in Christian Science of Addison's disease, after the doctors had said that I could not live longer than six months. Since then Science has been my only physician.

There have been many healings, but one that is a constant rod and staff took place several years ago. It was that of ivy poisoning with which I had become infected. The infection spread to both my legs, and I finally called a practitioner.

She assured me that nothing can ever touch man except God. Since the only reality is Spirit and its infinite manifestation, there is nothing to irritate, inflame, or poison. And as I hung up the receiver I was filled with gratitude and knew that I was healed. I went to bed, and from that moment there was no further discharge. The lesions dried up immediately, and in a few days no trace of the infection remained.

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Testimony of Healing
With gratitude to God for His...
January 29, 1966

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