Soon after the passing on of...

Soon after the passing on of my father, Christian Science was brought to our family through the kindness of a friend. My mother was left with four young children to care for. The understanding of Truth gained through a diligent study of the Bible and of the textbook by Mrs. Eddy was an ever-present help to her in caring for us and in supplying our daily needs.

Sunday School was a joyous experience for all four children. And our mother gained much peace, contentment, and happiness in faithful attendance at church services and by serving in church activities. Physical difficulties were so quickly healed that there was little or no absenteeism. Day school studies were mastered in a wonderful way.

Several years ago the healing power of divine Love was once more demonstrated in my own experience. One day during my lunch period, while attending to some errands, I was suddenly overcome by a blank feeling. I felt isolated and alone. It seemed impossible to take one more step. Through a recognition of Love's presence, I got to a telephone and called a practitioner. She began to do prayerful work for me immediately.

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Testimony of Healing
I should like to express my gratitude...
March 14, 1964

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