"God at hand"

Where is God and of what value is it to ascertain His whereabouts? God is ever present, according to the inspired teachings of the Bible and of Christian Science. In Jeremiah we read (23: 23, 24): "Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord."

The supposititious basis for the development of disease or any other inharmony in our experience is the false belief that God is not present. One who understands God's presence must also acknowledge that health and harmony are present, for these are qualities included in God and hence existent wherever He is.

One might abstractly assert that God is indeed necessarily at hand, for He is Spirit, or Mind. But to give this assertion a practical application, one must recognize that since God is all-presence. He is actually present to one's own consciousness. Since God includes harmony and health as necessary attributes of His being, these qualities permeate the entire structure of His creation, including individual man. The fact that God is present with us means, then, that health and harmony are actually with us and with all.

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March 18, 1961

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