I should like to express gratitude...

I should like to express gratitude for the wonderful healings I have had in Christian Science. I had had hay fever for twenty-seven years of my life while living on the desert. Six months of the year I was most miserable. To complicate matters, I had a severe nervous breakdown and a stroke which affected my neck and face. Finally the doctors whom I had consulted agreed that I would never get well and that if I lived, I would probably be paralyzed for the rest of my life.

At the time of this verdict I had many Christian Science friends. There was one in particular who asked me if I would not read the Lesson-Sermon from the Quarterly and also go to church with her. At first I could not see very well to read; so she read the lesson to me each week. I attended services in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, and often asked a Christian Science practitioner for help.

Christian Science was not easy for me to understand at first. I studied every day, and I prayed often. Prayer seemed to be a great help to me. Finally I began really to want to live, and life seemed so different. I no longer had the fear that I had had so long. Gradually my complete healing from every one of the physical difficulties was established.

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Testimony of Healing
For almost thirty years Christian Science...
June 18, 1960

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