I have been abundantly blessed...

I have been abundantly blessed by Christian Science through the years. Among the blessings are the healing and protection which I received through a spiritual understanding of the Ten Commandments. My daughter was to sing in a choral group in a nearby city. On reaching the auditorium, I found myself suffering from the symptoms of influenza. I climbed the steps with much effort and took a seat in a quiet spot where I could turn to God in prayer.

It was my privilege at that time to be a teacher in a Christian Science Sunday School, and we had been studying the Commandments in class. It came to me to test my understanding of them and to apply their healing power in this time of need. I repeated each one prayerfully and expectantly, giving thanks to God for the special healing message I found therein.

When I had finished, I was completely free from all symptoms of the illness. I was able to enjoy the choral entertainment to the full. I was grateful to God for this proof of the healing power of these immortal laws, because it would better equip me to teach my Sunday School pupils the importance of learning to use the Commandments in their daily application of Christian Science.

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Testimony of Healing
My first testimony appeared in...
June 11, 1960

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