I have received so many blessings...

I have received so many blessings from the study and application of Christian Science since a testimony of mine appeared in the Sentinel some years ago that I am again impelled to express my gratitude to God.

One Sunday noon my wife and I stood in the kitchen of our home reviewing the thoughts that had come to us as we sat in church listening to the reading of the Lesson-Sermon, the subject of which was "God the Preserver of Man," and which we had studied by means of the Quarterly during the previous week. We discussed one of the definitions given in a dictionary of the verb "preserve," which is, "to keep from injury or destruction; defend from evil; protect; save." We realized that the preservation of man is not the result of so-called luck, is not dependent upon mere chance, but is the prerogative of God, divine Love, man's creator.

As we were contemplating this, we heard a loud crash in the adjoining dining room. Investigating, we found that a large section of the ceiling, about which we had previously notified the landlord, had collapsed and fallen directly where my wife would have been sitting had not our discussion delayed the preparation and serving of the noonday meal.

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Testimony of Healing
As soon as I had visited a Christian Science Reading Room...
November 19, 1960

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