George Rapall Noyes, 1798-1868

[Mentioned in Science and Health, pp. 313, 360]

George R. Noyes, Bible scholar and minister, was Massachusetts born and was educated at Harvard. He earned his way in college by teaching, and among his pupils was the dynamic and liberal thinker, Theodore Parker. Although brought up a Presbyterian, Noyes prepared for the Unitarian ministry. When Harvard named him Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Languages and Lecturer on Biblical Literature, he had already served as pastor in Brookfield and Petersham and had published an "Amended Version of the Book of Job" and "A New Translation of the Book of Psalms." He now translated the Old Testament, with the exception of the historical books. His translation of the New Testament, published after his death, is considered his best work. His translations are characterized by their fidelity to the original.

Noyes pioneered in the critical study of the Bible. Someone said of him: "I have never known a man so ready as he was to submit whatever he most wished to believe to the crucial test of research.... From this test his faith in the ... alleged facts appertaining to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ came forth as of incontrovertible certainty."

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Mrs. Eddy Mentioned Them
Daniel Clark Eddy, 1823-1896
January 24, 1959

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