For the many healings I have...

For the many healings I have received through Christian Science I should like to express my gratitude. This truth was first introduced to my family by a woman who was distributing Christian Science literature. My mother was healed of gastric ulcers some time after that.

A few years later I had mastoiditis. I was very fearful and called a practitioner, who assured me of the love of God and of His ever-presence. During this experience I was able to continue at business, although having very little sleep. The firm stand of the practitioner was most inspiring. It was not a quick healing, but finally the fear and pain disappeared, the ear ceased to discharge, and the hearing was restored. More precious to me than the physical healing was the peace and Love of God that unfolded.

Since then I have experienced many blessings, including the obtaining of supply, a healing of grief, and the harmonious births of three sons. These children have attended a Christian Science Sunday School from an early age and are experiencing great freedom in daily living.

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Testimony of Healing
I should like to express my deep...
March 29, 1958

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