I should like to express my gratitude...

I should like to express my gratitude for all that Christian Science has done and is doing for me, my husband, and our two sons. Our family has had many healings. Among them has been my healing of a nervous breakdown. Both of our sons have been healed of scarlet fever with no aftereffects.

When our older son was in kindergarten, he had enlarged adenoids. The school authorities told his father and me several times that the boy needed an operation. We asked for help from a Christian Science practitioner, and we knew that the truth would remove whatever was offensive.

Finally the school authorities asserted firmly that the boy would not be bright if he did not have the operation. In reply to our inquiry as to whether he was behind in his schoolwork, we were told that he was not, but that he would be. Radical reliance on Truth was continued; and one day the obstruction came away, and the boy was free. We heard nothing more from the school on the subject. The boy was later healed of a broken nose. He fulfilled all of his obligations in his school life, was graduated from a university, and later obtained a Ph. D. degree.

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Testimony of Healing
My expression of gratitude is long...
January 4, 1958

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