Mary Baker Eddy states in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 360): "Great only as good, because fashioned divinely, were those unpretentious yet colossal characters, Paul and Jesus. Theirs were modes of mind cast in the moulds of Christian Science: Paul's by the supremely natural transforming power of Truth; and the character of Jesus, by his original scientific sonship with God."

It was through the revelation of Christ, Truth, that Paul's life was transformed. He spoke with authority when he wrote to the Romans (12:2), "Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Christ Jesus, however, knew himelf intuitively as the Son of God. He told the people (John 10:30), "I and my Father are one." He was the Way-shower, and his mission was to reveal man's relationship to God; showing us how to work out our salvation through the transforming power of the Christ, Truth.

From early childhood Mrs. Eddy was a consecrated student of the Bible. It was natural for her to turn to it in time of need. The transforming power of Truth was felt by her as she lay close to death after an accident. She asked for the Bible and opened it to the healing of the palsied man, which is related in the ninth chapter of Matthew. As she read, Truth dawned on her consciousness, and she was healed.

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July 27, 1957

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