As a young mother I turned to...

As a young mother I turned to Christian Science after pediatricians and skin specialists were unable to cure a skin condition that interfered with my baby's happy development. Almost militantly I explained to the Christian Science practitioner that I was skeptical; that there were outstanding doctors in our family, but that I was willing to try anything.

The practitioner was not concerned with the history of the skin trouble. Clearly she saw the baby as, in reality, an idea of God, the manifestation of perfection and harmony. The healing came, and with it came the wonderful realization of the power of Christian Science. I turned completely to this far-reaching and never-failing truth. Through the years relatives and friends have grown to respect and admire our family's reliance on the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy, the beloved Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

We have had many healings, and with each healing has come an increased understanding that truth is not limited to person, place, or thing. Not long ago unsightly growths appeared on the joints of some of my fingers. Well-meaning friends referred to them as arthritic and assumed that trouble lay ahead. Because the condition was so noticeable, I was annoyed at my inability to demonstrate my freedom from it; and this annoyance became a part of an irritability that was easily excited by conditions in my business and in anxiety over national and world problems.

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Testimony of Healing
In May, 1955, an editorial entitled...
May 11, 1957

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