Christian Science was presented...

Christian Science was presented to me by a neighbor to whom I had mentioned that my five-months-old daughter had no natural bowel action and that it was necessary to give her an enema every day. Through the prayerful work of this neighbor, in less than ten days the child was completely healed. I am grateful to this loving friend for her help and for acquainting us with the Christ, Truth.

In the intervening years Christian Science has never failed me when correctly applied. My children and I have had many healings, and my mother was healed of a long-standing stomach trouble. She turned to Christian Science for help at the age of sixty-four years and enjoyed its blessings for the following twenty-seven years.

About six years ago I experienced a complete healing of a varicose ulcer on my ankle. While on a vacation I was studying the Lesson-sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly directly in front of a beautiful waterfall. I was so uplifted by the beauty and grandeur around me and felt so near to God that my problem disappeared. The healing has been permanent.

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Signs of the Times
August 21, 1954

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