At the age of twelve years I was...

At the age of twelve years I was healed of an abscessed ear through the consecrated work of my uncle, a student of Christian Science. Four years later I had the opportunity to attend a Christian Science Sunday School, for which I am very grateful. I have been healed of catarrh, influenza, pneumonia, and the tendency to take cold. Smallpox was healed without leaving a scar.

I should like to tell of one occurrence that stands out to me. The morning my husband and I were to return home from a trip, I took my textbooks, the Bible and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and had a period of quiet study. God's abiding presence came to me so clearly that I saw that in His presence there is nothing to fear.

It started to rain as we left the hotel where we were staying, and the roads became very slippery. Suddenly from a side road a car came onto the highway ahead of us, and in our effort to avoid hitting it our brakes were hastily applied. Our car spun around and then turned over on the soft shoulder of the highway. There were many cars on the busy road, but none were hit.

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Signs of the Times
July 31, 1954

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