It is interesting to note that when the child Samuel heard his name called, he answered readily (I Sam. 3:4), "Here am I." When he learned from Eli that the call had not come from him, but was from God, he obediently followed Eli's instruction, and the next time the call came Samuel replied (I Sam. 3:10), "Speak: for thy servant heareth." Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, tells us on pages 8 and 9 of her autobiography, "Retrospection and Introspection," of a similar childhood experience. She also readily responded to what she thought was a human call. When convinced by her mother that the call came from God, she followed her mother's instruction and replied, "Speak, Lord; for Thy servant heareth."

When a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, holds an election to fill its various offices, its membership prays earnestly to God for guidance in the selection of candidates for these positions. The individual member who sees his name appear as one of these candidates may think that here is merely a human call to service coming from his fellow members. However, if he finds that God is calling him to this service and is quick to respond in his heart, "Here am I," and if the further reliance of the membership upon Mind's direction results in his election, he may then be assured that the same reply which Samuel made, "Speak; for thy servant heareth," will bring to him also the wisdom, strength, and guidance of God for his task.

Many of us may feel that we are only children in our experience in Christian Science when we receive our first call to serve in a church office. Our willingness to serve, however, will not bring us tasks before we are prepared to undertake them. The Bible tells us that Samuel grew and the Lord was with him, but it was many years before his record began as a spiritual leader in Israel. Those familiar with the biographies of Mrs. Eddy know that long years of preparation preceded her final revelation of Truth to this age.

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June 26, 1954

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