The almost universal custom of shaking hands with those whom we meet is a symbol of friendship and good will. Men usually shake hands to seal an agreement or settle a difference. Often in the marriage ceremony the bride and groom are asked to clasp hands as an evidence of the union of hearts.

In these days Christian Science has been revealed to us by Mary Baker Eddy as the ever-present guide and Comforter, always ready to take us by the hand and lead us into paths of righteousness, health, and constructive, fruitful activity. In an article entitled "Science and Philosophy" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 364) Mrs. Eddy describes Christian Science as follows: "It is not a search after wisdom, it is wisdom: it is God's right hand grasping the universe,—all time, space, immortality, thought, extension, cause, and effect; constituting and governing all identity, individuality, law, and power." Who would not desire to grasp the hand of this great messenger of God, to receive and enjoy the untold blessings of heaven which it is constantly offering to mankind! In an interesting and enlightening allegory in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (pp. 430-442) Mrs. Eddy depicts a court scene in which "Mortal Man" is brought to trial for having exposed himself to physical disease by doing a good act. In the "Supreme Court of Spirit" Christian Science acts as the attorney for the defendant, and the "Jury of Spiritual Senses" returns a verdict of "Not guilty." Then it is recorded that the prisoner arises, free and regenerated, and as he shakes hands with Christian Science, his counsel, all evidence of debility and sallowness has vanished.

Let us take Christian Science as our guide and partner and grasp its outstretched hand securely in evidence of an abiding friendship. It never deserts us. Its course is always right. It never makes mistakes. Let us consult it regularly and confidently, and receive the countless angel messages and blessings which accompany it. In the chaos of the market place, the troubled home, the disturbed church, the seething world, let us listen for its quiet, reassuring counsel, accept its guidance, and experience the heavenly peace and comfort which it imparts.

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For Membership in The Mother Church
January 23, 1954

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