I wish to express gratitude to God...

I wish to express gratitude to God for Christian Science, which helped me to find satisfying employment. Some time ago I desired to leave the organization in which I worked in a secretarial position. After much prayerful study, together with the assistance of a devout practitioner, who helped me to realize that every idea of God has its right place and right work, I was led to accept a position with the Government. Though the new job was of a similar nature to my former one, it was at a somewhat lower salary. However, Mrs. Eddy states in Science and Health (p. 74), "In Christian Science there is never a retrograde step, never a return to positions outgrown." With this thought in mind I declared that every child of God has ample opportunity to express and utilize his talents and abilities and that progress is God's law, as Christian Science teaches.

It was only a few weeks later that the personnel division sent out a notice with our pay checks that there was to be an opening in another unit for a teacher of business administration. Since this was my field of study, I immediately reported to the personnel division and applied for the position. The director was not very encouraging, as I was young and was new in Government service. He stated that someone else with equal qualifications and with a longer tenure of service would have seniority.

In the weeks that followed, during which the files of some two hundred applicants were screened, I held to the thought that I could not be deprived of my rightful place and activity, since each individual is needed and each has a contribution to make to the harmony of all. My faith was strengthened by a line from one of our hymns, which reads (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 82), "God is working His purpose out."

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Testimony of Healing
After all the years of blessings I...
September 12, 1953

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