After all the years of blessings I...

After all the years of blessings I have had in Christian Science I must tell of some of the fruitage that it has brought me. I am very grateful for what it has done for me and mine, also for the good it is doing in the world, not only for those who are studying it, but for others as well, who are blessed by its leavening influence.

In Science and Health Mrs. Eddy writes (p. 257), "Who hath found finite life or love sufficient to meet the demands of human want and woe,—to still the desires, to satisfy the aspirations?" When faced with a broken home I prayed earnestly for happiness to replace my sorrow. I had heard that Christian Scientists were happy people, but I did not know why until I started reading Science and Health. Then I understood the reason, and my sorrow was healed. Mrs. Eddy says (ibid., p. 60), "Science inevitably lifts one's being higher in the scale of harmony and happiness."

My first physical healing was one of quinsy. This was followed by my daughter's instantaneous healing of influenza during World War II. Also in my family, boils, measles, whooping cough, and a badly injured elbow were healed through Christian Science. I am grateful to God for Christ Jesus, our Way-shower, and for Mrs. Eddy, our Leader. Also I am grateful for class instruction from a consecrated teacher.—(Mrs.) Alice P. Ball, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with a grateful heart that I...
September 12, 1953

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