It has been my great pleasure...

It has been my great pleasure to study Christian Science for the past thirty-three years. Our family has had wonderful healings, physical, mental, and financial. I should like to tell of some of them which meant much to me.

When my mother passed on I was able to explain to our two children that there is no separation or loss and that God is our Life, but when I was by myself I would become immersed in grief. An aunt who stayed with us occasionally and who was a Christian Scientist talked with me about this condition, but I neglected to take my stand against it.

One morning, while I was preparing soup in a pressure cooker and adjusting the safety valve, the lid blew off, and the boiling soup splashed over my face and arms. I immediately declared, "There are no accidents in God's kingdom." Then I telephoned to my aunt for Christian Science help, because the pain was intense. She said that she would work for me and that I should read the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly. This I did, and by the time I had completed the lesson there was no pain.

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Signs of the Times
August 1, 1953

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