"Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." Mary Baker Eddy quotes these words of St. Paul's in his first epistle to the Corinthians (6:20) in connection with what she says of testimonials in the Manual of The Mother Church (Art. VIII, Sect. 24). She continues in part, "Testimony in regard to the healing of the sick is highly important." Anyone who has ever taken a sick or troubled friend to a Wednesday testimony meeting—a friend seeking confirmation of the healing power of Christian Science—will remember how joyful he felt when the testimonies were frequent, to the point, and helpful.

We can scarcely feel that we are glorifying God in body and spirit if we make little or no effort to share our spiritual treasures with those who are seeking "a cup of cold water" at these meetings. It is true that we can help to make the meeting an inspiring one by doing prayerful mental work beforehand; and at the meeting we can and should give support by realizing that infinite Mind is ever present, supplying and protecting. But are we willing to help in still another way, by letting our gratitude flow out in verbal acknowledgment of what Christian Science has done for us? Are we willing to pray valiantly that false arguments cannot obstruct this? Are we willing that God should use our voice in expressing thanks for the unfolding truths that have spelled freedom for us from disturbing beliefs?

If we are not yet willing, we must learn to have more love for the stranger within our gates—that stranger who perhaps needs just what we have to give, but what we have been withholding. What causes us to halt and recede when our desire is to give out good? Is it pride? A Christian Science student was heard to remark, "I never made a speech in my life." Who wants a speech? A simple and sincere account of our experiences, an account such as we would give to a friend or neighbor, is often all that is needed.

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June 20, 1953

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