I am grateful for the moral courage...

I am grateful for the moral courage and fearlessness of the prophets, of Christ Jesus, of the apostles, and of Mrs. Eddy, all of whom by their daily living proved God's all-power. Their examples guide us into the pathway of Life eternal. Our weekly Lesson-Sermons in the Christian Science Quarterly, our literature, and our church services, all of which our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, wisely provided for, are as manna. Truly, each activity of our Cause has its purpose to fulfill in order that the whole of truth may be practiced. Through my acceptance and understanding of the beautiful truths in a poem in The Christian Science Journal a harmonious unfoldment of home came to me.

I cannot express thanks without remembering our loving practitioners, who are ever ready to serve when called upon. Because instant correct thinking was neglected, a finger which I had pierced became badly infected. A practitioner's assurance quickly calmed all fear, and no time was lost from a position requiring almost constant use of the hand, though for a while the linger was swollen almost double in size. Soon the swelling abated, and the finger was healed.

For my many blessings my thanks rise to God in grateful praise.— (Miss) Katherine Harriet Banfield, Oakland, California.

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Testimony of Healing
"The best sermon ever preached...
June 6, 1953

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