Camp Welfare Activities

[The following accounts of experiences of servicemen and servicewomen have been received by the Camp Welfare Activities Department and are now shared with the Field.]

Washington—Healing at a Veterans' Hospital

A former WAC of World War II had spent several years in different Veterans' Hospitals. Some time ago she was transferred to a hospital in Washington. The condition manifested was that of extreme mental frustration, illusions, delusions, frequent spells of hysteria, and rebellion. In one of her calmer periods she mentioned Christian Science to a ward doctor and asked to see a Christian Science Camp Welfare Worker. The doctor asked the Worker to visit this patient as soon as possible, saying in effect that he was pleased to turn the case over to the Worker, for the patient was "impossible."

Visits were made to the woman by the Worker, and Christian Science treatments were given at the request of the patient. The response to these treatments was most gratifying. In a few days the patient was expressing a very calm attitude and appeared to be normal. To the great interest of the doctor who first asked the Worker to assist in the case, the patient continued to show improvement. Co-operation was expressed by the woman, and she became very sincere in the study of Christian Science and the Lesson-Sermons in the Christian Science Quarterly. Her reliance upon Truth and the continued assistance from the Worker brought about a complete healing and a hospital discharge. This former WAC ever since has had great mental freedom and has found satisfactory employment.

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Testimony of Healing
In Isaiah we read (54:13), "All...
May 9, 1953

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