I am one of those fortunate persons...

I am one of those fortunate persons who have had the blessed teachings of Christian Science from childhood. This Science has been my only physician, and I have had many physical healings. One of them I shall never forget. This healing took place while I was serving with the United States Army in Italy during World War II.

While taking part in a major offensive I suffered what the Army doctors called a critical brain wound, from which I was not expected to recover. I was operated on for the removal of the shrapnel within several hours after being wounded, but I had no medication from that time on.

The first day in the hospital I was able to get a short note off to a Christian Science chaplain, whom I had met several months before in a rest camp. His letter in reply was just the awakening that I needed from the feeling that I had been forsaken and unprotected. He said that I should remember, despite the physical evidence to the contrary, that nothing had happened to God and therefore nothing had happened to me. I stopped thinking of myself as a wounded, lonely mortal and started to claim my sonship with God as a perfect idea of the one perfect Mind.

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Testimony of Healing
With deep humility and sincere...
February 14, 1953

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