When I took up Christian Science...

When I took up Christian Science I was indeed hungry for the truth. I was in poor health and fearful of everything; I did not like flowers, and even the songs of birds annoyed me. I was so unhappy that I wanted to die. Through my study of the Bible, together with the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, many of the beliefs of material self were put off as I realized that Life is God and that this Life is my life. Then existence had a new outlook for me. Persistent study has brought many healings, one of which was that of constipation, which I had had since childhood. Fear, nervousness, and discouragement were overcome. Since learning that God is All-in-all, here and everywhere, I feel as though I live in a new world.

Through my sincere work in Christian Science, together with the help of a practitioner, my son was completely healed of an ugly case of eczema, which doctors had pronounced incurable. He was brought up in the Christian Science Sunday School and is now a member of The Mother Church and a local Christian Science Society. He was in the service three years and nine months during the Second World War and came out unharmed. For these blessings and for many others I am profoundly grateful.

Recently three other members of my family, including two young children, and I were fishing, when I turned from the water's edge to see a large herd of cattle rapidly approaching and showing an inclination to fight. Mrs. Eddy's hymn beginning with the words, "Shepherd, show me how to go" (Poems, p. 14), and several verses from the Bible, as well as passages from Science and Health, came to me, and all of us were guided to safety.

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Signs of the Times
December 5, 1953

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