A healing I received has been so...

A healing I received has been so wonderful to me that I feel I should like to share it. In Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy we read (p. 471), "God is infinite, therefore ever present, and there is no other power nor presence." This truth proved very helpful to me at the time of an accident.

Whilst two people were very kindly offering assistance and commenting on my injures, I was declaring man's unity with God and realizing that God knows nothing of accidents, as Christian Science teaches us. My face was badly scratched, and my lip and mouth were cut. A cut on my nose was so deep that I was asked if I would go to a hospital or call in a doctor. I requested that a Christian Science practitioner be asked to help me. Words cannot express how grateful I am for the loving work she did for me. I had no pain from any of the wounds. The following morning the cuts in my mouth and on my lip were healed.

I asked the practitioner what I should do in regard to my duty as soloist in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, where I was expected to sing the following Sunday. "You will be there," she said, and I accepted her words. The following night some helpful words from one of our solos came to me, and I felt that all would be well by morning. In the morning, however, I was disappointed to find that my face still had unsightly blemishes. I thought of the leper who said to Christ Jesus (Mark 1:40), "If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean," and of Jesus' reply (verse 41): "I will: be thou clean."

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Signs of the Times
November 21, 1953

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