As one contemplates the mortally mental picture of a world in confusion and distress, of a race seemingly unable to cast off the fetters of disease and sin, what, think you, may be the basis of humanity's bondage.' In the light of Christian Science we are coming to see that it is the belief that man is separated from God. No matter what afflictive situation anyone may seem to be facing, the false belief, the lie, that man is separated from his creative Principle is the root of the difficulty. Paul writes (Eph. 2:13, 14): "Now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us."

Christian Science has come to do away forever with the "middle wall of partition." Indeed, it is the divine office of the Christ to show men how they may demonstrate man's eternal oneness with God.

Unenlightened human beings seem to hold to the traditional and false concepts of Deity in which they have been educated; but certainly if God be regarded as a personal, remote entity, one has no definite assurance, of present protection and safety. False theological concepts have inculcated the belief that we are separated, isolated material entities operating in our own personal orbits, entirely out of contact or unity with divine power, and with no understanding of that divine law which spiritual sense reveals is actually sustaining and governing the entire universe and man.

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November 7, 1953

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