Of many events I gratefully remember...

Of many events I gratefully remember, none is more indelibly impressed on my mind than one in which my mother appeared at the door of my sickroom, in which I had spent many hours of suffering, and said to me, "Son, will you try Christian Science?"

I had been praying, perhaps without knowing it, for our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 1), "Desire is prayer; and no loss can occur from trusting God with our desires, that they maybe moulded and exalted before they take form in words and in deeds." Suffering from a physical and mental breakdown, I was sick and despondent. The doctors had failed to give me any assurance of help, although I had taken the many medicines that they had prescribed for me.

My mother's invitation to try Christian Science was like a cup of cold water. As her words were spoken to me I felt a deep sense of joy and newness of life. I turned unreservedly to God for healing, dismissed my doctors, and threw away all my medicines. Through my earnest study of Christian Science and my mother's prayerful help I was healed. Soon I was back at my work with renewed energy and joyous expectancy. Old habits, such as the use of tobacco, social drinking, and desire for extravagant living, dropped away.

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Testimony of Healing
The greatest blessing of my life...
October 24, 1953

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